Ulasan Kasus Bank Century dalam Tinjauan Etika Profesi Akuntansi
Kasus Bank Century bukanlah sekedar kasus perbankan ataupun pengingkaran terhadap prinsip-prinsip tata kelola perusahaan yang baik. Tetapi kasus ini telah memasuki ranah politik, dengan terbangunnya perdebatan antar elite politik mengenai layak tidaknya Bank tersebut mendapatkan bantuan. Persoalan ini juga kembali mencederai kepercayaan masyarakat terhadap sistem keuangan kita beserta dengan para pelakunya.
Bantuan bailout dan sejumlah dana yang dikeluarkan oleh LPS kembali diperdebatkan. Dua pertanyaan besar yang kemudian muncul yaitu 1) apakah Bank Century masih layak untuk tetap sustain?, 2) jika kasus obligasi “bodong” tidak mencuat kepermukaan apakah BI akan mengumumkan bahwa bank tersebut tidak sehat?
Kekhawatiran nasabah Bank Century ternyata beralasan dan hampir terbukti. Pasalnya berdasarkan data Lembaga Penjamin Simpanan (LPS) pada Juli 2008 Bank Century sudah mengalami kesulitan likuiditas dan sejumlah nasabah besar pun menarik dana pihak ketiga (DPK) miliknya. Hal ini berlanjut dengan seringnya bank ini melanggar ketentuan giro wajib minimum (GWM) yang harus dipenuhinya.
Kondisi ini diperparah dengan keresahan dan ketidakpercayaan nasabahnya yang kemudian dengan tidak mudah menarik dana untuk menghindari kemungkinan buruk yaitu kehilangan uangnya.
Data LPS juga menyebutkan bahwa pada November-Desember 2008 terjadi penarikan DPK oleh nasabah sebesar Rp 5,67 Triliun. Padahal hasil audit akuntan publik Aryanto Yusuf dan Mawar atas laporan keuangan bank century, DPK yang ada saat itu sebesar Rp 9,635 Triliun artinya Bank Century kehilangan lebih dari setengah DPK hanya dalam jangka waktu kurang lebih 1 bulan.
Sejak terbitnya Paket Oktober tahun 1988 atau dikenal dengan sebutan PAKTO’88 yang meliberalisasi industri perbankan Indonesia pengawasan terhadap perbankan semakin sulit dilakukan. Banyak pengusaha yang sama sekali tidak memiliki latar belakang perbankan, mendirikan bank dengan tujuan memperoleh dana masyarakat yang dipercayakan untuk membiayai anak perusahaannya. Karena, hanya dengan setoran Rp 10 Miliar, seseorang dapat mendirikan bank. Ketika itu industri perbankan mudah untuk dimasuki sehingga sekitar 160 bank lahir pada saat itu, tetapi seolah tak terpikirkan betapa sulitnya untuk dapat keluar dari industri ini. Hal ini juga yang kemudian naik ke permukaan ketika krisis moneter 1998 dan kemudian menimbulkan kasus BLBI yang hingga saat ini kasusnya masih belum selesai.
Hal itu seharusnya menjadi pelajaran yang sangat mahal yaitu Rp 144 Triliun (merupakan dana BLBI yang sampai saat ini menjadi kontroversi) bahwa betapa pentingnya pengawasan terhadap bank, sehingga kasus seperti Bank Century ini dapat dihindari.
Pertanyaan mengenai kelayakan Bank Century untuk tetap sustain, akan menjadi pertanyaan yang sulit dijawab oleh pemerintah. Walau bagaimana pun, permintaan pemerintah kepada LPS untuk melakukan bailout atas Bank Century mengindikasikan bahwa pemerintah beranggapan Bank Century layak untuk tetap sustain, namun melihat efek jangka panjangnya, hal ini memberikan contoh yang tidak baik terhadap dunia perbankan kedepan. Atau mungkin pemerintah sudah menganggap ini sebagai masalah sistemik yang akan memberi efek domino kepada bank-bank lainnya.
Kasus Bank Century memperlihatkan betapa lemahnya pengawasan pemerintah terhadap perbankan sehingga terjadi sebuah bank menjual reksadana tanpa mempunyai izin sebagai agen Penjual Reksadana (APERD) dan menjual obligasi tanpa nilai. Dimanakah tanggung jawab Bapepam sebagai badan pengawas pasar modal dan lembaga keuangan dalam hal ini serta BI sebagai pengatur dan pengawas bank?.
Sebelumnya kasus pengelapan juga terjadi di Bank Global, saat itu terjadi penggelapan oleh oknum pegawai bank tersebut terhadap dana nasabah yang seharusnya dikonversi dari deposito ke investasi reksadana. Jika dikaitkan dengan penerapan tata kelola pemerintahan maupun perusahaan yang baik, maka kedua kasus tersebut merupakan “pelecehan” terhadap lembaga pengawas keuangan seperti Bapepam dan Bank Indonesia tetapi yang terjadi, seolah-olah saling melempar bola panas antar institusi pengawas keuangan kita. Bagi organisasi perbankan kita, hal ini juga merupakan suatu tamparan bahwa meskipun secara umum bank-bank di Indonesia sudah memperbaiki dirinya seperti penerapan good corporate governance maupun risk manajemen, namun masih ada pelanggaran beberapa hal yang menyangkut etika profesi.
Secara umum kedua kasus tersebut memang harus dilihat dari dua sudut baik peraturan perbankan maupun tindakan kriminal. Peraturan perbankan yang dimaksudkan tidak hanya dilihat dalam bentuk aturannya saja tetapi juga implementasiannya. Hal itulah yang perlu dijawab oleh bapepam dan BI dalam fenomena kedua kasus tersebut. Namun jika yang terjadi adalah indikasi yang kedua, yaitu adanya tindakan kriminal maka seketat apapun peraturan diterapkan tidak ada satu orang pun yang dapat menjamin pembobolan, penipuan, dan sebagainya dalam perbankan dapat dihapuskan.
Untuk memperkecil peluang kejadian serupa dapat terulang kembali, perlu adanya antisipasi khusus dari Bapepam dan BI terutama mengenai kepemilikan saham suatu bank, serta kaitan antara bank dengan suatu grup usaha, karena dikhawatirkan dana yang dikumpulkan dari masyarakat hanya disalurkan kepada perusahaan dalam grupnya bahkan tanpa memperhatikan aspek dari kelayakan usahanya dan juga berpotensi terjadi mark up padahal pengelola keuangan harus terbebas dari berbagai konflik kepentingan. Selain itu, lemahnya sistem hukum yang ada akan membuat para “bankir nakal” untuk berhitung untung-rugi melakukan pembobolan atau penipuan perbankan. Hal inilah yang harus diminimalisir dengan penegakkan hukum kepada siapa saja tanpa pandang bulu.
Kasus-kasus tersebut menjadi salah satu penghambat dalam pemulihan ekonomi yang terjadi di Indonesia saat ini. Hal fundamental yang sering terlupakan dalam upaya penguatan kembali ekonomi kita yaitu : kejujuran dan transparansi yang diikat oleh elemen kepercayaan (trust). Akibatnya, jangankan mampu untuk mengatasi masalah dan menguatkan kembali perekonomian terutama pasar keuangan, melihat apa yang tengah berlangsung pun, Pemerintah sepertinya belum memiliki informasi akurat. Sehingga wajar jika masyarakat sebagai pelaku ekonomi meragukan kemampuan pemerintah untuk mengatasi masalah saat ini dan cenderung berfikiran logis untuk mengamankan dana yang mereka miliki. Situasi ini yang kemudian disebut pemerintah sebagai kepanikan. sehingga pemerintah harus bercermin lebih dalam dan mengajarkan serta memberikan contoh mengenai kejujuran dan transparansi, sehingga dapat terus memelihara kepercayaan kita semua.
Sumber : www.megawati-institute.org
Dari kasus diatas dapat dikatakan telah melanggar: prinsip pertama, prinsip kedua, prinsip ketiga, prinsip keenam, prinsip ketujuh. Karena yang menggelapkan dana dari nasabah bank century, secara otomatis telah melanggar prinsip-prinsip diatas. Yakni melanggar ETIKA PROFESI AKUNTANSI yang menimbulkan banyak korban yaitu para nasabah dari bank century sendiri.
Rabu, 09 November 2011
Senin, 28 Maret 2011
History / Articles TOEFL
Test of Home abbreviated as a Foreign Language TOEFL is a test of English language proficiency (an American accent) who is required to register go to college (college) or university in the United States or other countries in the world. This exam is required for applicants whose native language or the speaker is not English. TOEFL exam is organized by the office of ETS (Educational Testing Service) in the United States to test all participants throughout the world.
Type the TOEFL English test is generally required for college entrance requirements in almost all universities in the United States and Canada for both undergraduate program (S-1) or graduate (S-2 or S-3). TOEFL test results are also used as a material consideration of English language proficiency of prospective students who apply to universities in other countries, including universities in Europe and Australia. In general, the TOEFL test is more oriented to American Home, and a few different types of IELTS oriented to the British Home. Unlike the IELTS test, TOEFL test is in general not have the individual parts of the interview test.
Usually, this test takes about three hours and held in 4 sections, namely sections:
* Listening comprehension,
* Grammatical structure and written expression,
* Reading comprehension, and parts
* Writing.
The value ranging from exam results TOEFL: 310 (minimum) to 677 (maximum value) for the version of the PBT (paper-based test). Since 1998, the TOEFL test is conducted online using a computer (Computer-based Testing / CBT), and since 2005 called the IBT (Internet-based Test). In places that have not been able to carry out CBT or IBT (since there are no computer facilities and internet networks), the TOEFL test is still conducted manually using paper and pencil (paper-based test or PBT). More information about CBT tests and paper-based TOEFL relating to registration, venue, cost, and test preparation materials can be viewed on the official website of the TOEFL, http://www.toefl.org (CBT version of the TOEFL exam results have value ranges from 0 to 300, while the value for the IBT is from 0 to 120).
Lately organizers also held a kind of TOEFL test TWE (Test of Written Home), which results in value is separate from the TOEFL test scores. This test takes 30 minutes, and participants will be asked to write a short essay that describes the ability of participants to express and translate an idea or ideas, and supporting the idea with the examples found in daily life using the English language standard. Another type of test is TSEP TOEFL (Test of Spoken Home Program) which is similar to the individual interviews on the IELTS test. They are usually used if we want to register as a teaching assistant or laboratory assistant (as one way to offset the cost of tuition) in universias in the U.S. (or other countries.) Form tests conducted orally and lasts for approximately 20 minutes. Implementation time and the deadline for registration together with other TOEFL tests, and costs approximately U.S. $ 100.
Structure of the TOEFL test includes a test of knowledge, skills and mastery of English with the questions that break it requires a deep understanding so that, for example, one grain of matter will cover a fairly broad sense.
My brother, Dick, ... has just Bought a Cadillac.
(A) works in Birmingham,
(B) WHO works in a private bank,
(C) is working in Melbourne,
(D) is now in London,
Item about the above, for example, will be answered quickly and accurately by someone who understands the predicate sentence, apositif, relative clause, and tenses. The allocation of time for commencing work on the TOEFL is very short - usually one test structure consists of fifty multiple choice questions that must be completed within fifty five minutes. Therefore, understanding person who will take the TOEFL on the English language as a whole and in detail is needed in taking the TOEFL for he was convinced that the answer to the points about going right in a relatively short time. Comparison between the number of grains of questions and the time available is also demanding a separate tips for achieving a high score.
TOEFL will be the same for everyone, regardless of age category, academic level, or level of difficulty questions. Institution user will determine the results of TOEFL or require only a minimum score. To be able to solve problems in both the TOEFL, is necessary for each participant to equip themselves with good preparation. One way is with a lot to learn from books about the TOEFL. Complete Success Book TOEFL (Structure) Martinus Surawan this work including the one that presents many examples about the TOEFL and the steps of completion. Scope of the material in it is so thorough and complete, including necessary tips in a test. Therefore, it is the right step to make Indonesia Tera books published this as a weapon for successfully completing the TOEFL.
More than 7,500 schools, universities and institutions in over 130 countries rely on TOEFL test scores to help make admissions decisions. he TOEFL test to help prove that you have the English skills you will actually be used in an academic classroom. In this test, you can read sections of textbooks and listen to lectures and then speak or write in response, just like you would in a classroom. Because this test consists of 100% of academic questions and tasks, many universities consider the most appropriate test to use when making admissions decisions. Sure, you can take the test with interview Talking, but what if your interviewer has a bad day and your level is lower than you deserve? With the TOEFL test, no doubt you score more objective and reliable, because the response Talking recorded and evaluated by assessors 3-6 ETS is not only an appraisal of local testing sites. TOEFL test scores to help you stand out because of the TOEFL test reputation for quality, fairness and academic composition of 100%. This is a test of English-language most widely accepted in the world, including more than 7,500 colleges, universities, agencies and other institutions in 130 countries. And the list that includes 100 best universities in the world.
Dari pernyataan pernyataan diatas saya dapat berkomentar bahwa toefl adalah syarat wajib untuk bisa masuk kuliah di Amerika dan negara-negara di Eropa serta di Australia. sebagaimana telah diterapkan di lebih dari 7.500 perguruan tinggi dari 130 negara termasuk di 100 universitas terbaik di dunia bahwa TOEFL dapat saya katakan bahwa TOEFL adalah standar internasional untuk bisa masuk ke perguruan tinggi, baik S1, S2, atau S3.
Type the TOEFL English test is generally required for college entrance requirements in almost all universities in the United States and Canada for both undergraduate program (S-1) or graduate (S-2 or S-3). TOEFL test results are also used as a material consideration of English language proficiency of prospective students who apply to universities in other countries, including universities in Europe and Australia. In general, the TOEFL test is more oriented to American Home, and a few different types of IELTS oriented to the British Home. Unlike the IELTS test, TOEFL test is in general not have the individual parts of the interview test.
Usually, this test takes about three hours and held in 4 sections, namely sections:
* Listening comprehension,
* Grammatical structure and written expression,
* Reading comprehension, and parts
* Writing.
The value ranging from exam results TOEFL: 310 (minimum) to 677 (maximum value) for the version of the PBT (paper-based test). Since 1998, the TOEFL test is conducted online using a computer (Computer-based Testing / CBT), and since 2005 called the IBT (Internet-based Test). In places that have not been able to carry out CBT or IBT (since there are no computer facilities and internet networks), the TOEFL test is still conducted manually using paper and pencil (paper-based test or PBT). More information about CBT tests and paper-based TOEFL relating to registration, venue, cost, and test preparation materials can be viewed on the official website of the TOEFL, http://www.toefl.org (CBT version of the TOEFL exam results have value ranges from 0 to 300, while the value for the IBT is from 0 to 120).
Lately organizers also held a kind of TOEFL test TWE (Test of Written Home), which results in value is separate from the TOEFL test scores. This test takes 30 minutes, and participants will be asked to write a short essay that describes the ability of participants to express and translate an idea or ideas, and supporting the idea with the examples found in daily life using the English language standard. Another type of test is TSEP TOEFL (Test of Spoken Home Program) which is similar to the individual interviews on the IELTS test. They are usually used if we want to register as a teaching assistant or laboratory assistant (as one way to offset the cost of tuition) in universias in the U.S. (or other countries.) Form tests conducted orally and lasts for approximately 20 minutes. Implementation time and the deadline for registration together with other TOEFL tests, and costs approximately U.S. $ 100.
Structure of the TOEFL test includes a test of knowledge, skills and mastery of English with the questions that break it requires a deep understanding so that, for example, one grain of matter will cover a fairly broad sense.
My brother, Dick, ... has just Bought a Cadillac.
(A) works in Birmingham,
(B) WHO works in a private bank,
(C) is working in Melbourne,
(D) is now in London,
Item about the above, for example, will be answered quickly and accurately by someone who understands the predicate sentence, apositif, relative clause, and tenses. The allocation of time for commencing work on the TOEFL is very short - usually one test structure consists of fifty multiple choice questions that must be completed within fifty five minutes. Therefore, understanding person who will take the TOEFL on the English language as a whole and in detail is needed in taking the TOEFL for he was convinced that the answer to the points about going right in a relatively short time. Comparison between the number of grains of questions and the time available is also demanding a separate tips for achieving a high score.
TOEFL will be the same for everyone, regardless of age category, academic level, or level of difficulty questions. Institution user will determine the results of TOEFL or require only a minimum score. To be able to solve problems in both the TOEFL, is necessary for each participant to equip themselves with good preparation. One way is with a lot to learn from books about the TOEFL. Complete Success Book TOEFL (Structure) Martinus Surawan this work including the one that presents many examples about the TOEFL and the steps of completion. Scope of the material in it is so thorough and complete, including necessary tips in a test. Therefore, it is the right step to make Indonesia Tera books published this as a weapon for successfully completing the TOEFL.
More than 7,500 schools, universities and institutions in over 130 countries rely on TOEFL test scores to help make admissions decisions. he TOEFL test to help prove that you have the English skills you will actually be used in an academic classroom. In this test, you can read sections of textbooks and listen to lectures and then speak or write in response, just like you would in a classroom. Because this test consists of 100% of academic questions and tasks, many universities consider the most appropriate test to use when making admissions decisions. Sure, you can take the test with interview Talking, but what if your interviewer has a bad day and your level is lower than you deserve? With the TOEFL test, no doubt you score more objective and reliable, because the response Talking recorded and evaluated by assessors 3-6 ETS is not only an appraisal of local testing sites. TOEFL test scores to help you stand out because of the TOEFL test reputation for quality, fairness and academic composition of 100%. This is a test of English-language most widely accepted in the world, including more than 7,500 colleges, universities, agencies and other institutions in 130 countries. And the list that includes 100 best universities in the world.
Dari pernyataan pernyataan diatas saya dapat berkomentar bahwa toefl adalah syarat wajib untuk bisa masuk kuliah di Amerika dan negara-negara di Eropa serta di Australia. sebagaimana telah diterapkan di lebih dari 7.500 perguruan tinggi dari 130 negara termasuk di 100 universitas terbaik di dunia bahwa TOEFL dapat saya katakan bahwa TOEFL adalah standar internasional untuk bisa masuk ke perguruan tinggi, baik S1, S2, atau S3.
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